About Me

I’m a first-year Chemistry PhD student at the University of Alberta, under the supervision of Dr. Liang Li (fellow of the Royal Society of Canada). Before that, I completed my Bioinformatics Master’s degree in the Dr. Fornace Lab at Georgetown University.

My research interests focus on the development of metabolomics-centered multi omics analysis methods, and their practical applications in the real world. This includes simplifying data analysis through user-friendly software, developing high-coverage and accurate metabolite identification methods, and inferring biological networks from multi-omics data. My primary approaches involve software development, mass spectrometry, bioinformatics analysis, and machine learning.

If you’re interested in my research or potential collaborations, feel free to drop me an e-mail!


Updates may not be timely

FoPGDB: a pangenome database of Fusarium oxysporum, a cross-kingdom fungal pathogen
CAT Bridge: an efficient toolkit for compound-transcript association mining from multi-omics data
Genome assembly and GWAS identify key genes controlling sugar and organic acid accumulation in wampee fruit
The acute neurotoxicity of inorganic mercury in Mactra chinensis philippi
Molecular characterization, expression and immune functions of two C-type lectin from Venerupis philippinarum
Two c-type lectins from Venerupis philippinarum: Possible roles in immune recognition and opsonization

Get in touch

I would love to hear from you if you would like to collaborate or have questions!